Rest Day, Cardio Kickboxing, or Something Else?

Fitness Blender family,

We came across this quote and wanted to share:

"Make sure to drink lots of water, enjoy your rest days, and try to make food choices that make you feel great."

And if you’re not resting today, definitely still drink lots of water and make healthy food choices, but here’s a short 30 Minute Cardio Kickboxing and Abs Home Workout that always pleasantly reminds us how challenging (and fun!) cardio kickboxing can be.

See what we did there? Up for it?

Not only is this one a nice mental exercise, trying to remember the movement combinations (especially as you get tired), but it targets your muscles in such a unique way—that traditional cardio and strength training just don’t quite match.

Even if you’re not a regular fan of kickboxing, give this one a try. It’s important to get out of your comfort zone from time to time.

And for you FB Plus members, remember, we have a 2-week Kickboxing Challenge for you that you can do whenever you like!