HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountability Group Feb12

Hello beautiful HKS Blenders,

I am filling in for Mafe today. I hope she is doing ok and is on her way of recovery. Mafe you and your sunshiny personality is missed. Sending you a lot of sunshine and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Quote of the day:

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” (Albert Einstein)

For me this quote doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to rest. I think healthy rests are part of the journey and you can learn from them about yourself, what you need, and they are part of personal development. I try to imagine what it means when you are not moving anymore in your life. Would it mean something like not being interested in anything anymore, being ignorant, no more curiosity, just sitting the whole day in front of the TV consuming, but no more reflection?

The picture shows that we had some snow. It was more, but I took the picture to late. Noah’s teacher was really nice. He sent a message that the kids should go out and enjoy the snow and not worry about schoolwork.

For me it will be another busy day. My husband is pushing me in a good way to keep going with my work. For later I planned some core workouts.

Wishing you all a great Friday and a good start into the weekend.

P.S ANYONE is welcome to join the conversation in this thread. Don’t be shy or afraid. Just jump right in. We don’t bite. This is an extremely friendly and motivational community. So, we are happy to hear from you.