HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 4th

Heylo sweet Blenders,

First, for those who missed yesterday's check in, here's an update on our sun shiny Blender, Mafe/Maria. She is doing much better post surgery, and the pathology reports have come back as benign!!! Now this I believe is no short of a miracle here! When we first got to know about Mafe's problem, a lot of us were not only concerned, we were wishing and praying, together, for reports to come back clean. Storm also mentioned an Intention Experiment, where we all as a community could pool in our positive energies and wish for something. I wanted to thank each one of you, this community, this safe space in the otherwise darker internet out there, is no short of a miracle in itself.

So here's the quote for today: "“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -quote is apparently attributed to Albert Einstein

Now to workouts: It was a 5/5 lower body workout with K for me and man, was it intense! wheeeeww! Anyways glad I survived.

Tell me about your day, workouts, other activities and maybe include what's on the menu for today.

Here's wishing a speedy recovery to Mafe. And also wishing a wonderful rest of the week to this lovely community.

P.S. HKS is an accountability and support group. Please feel free to join us, we'd be happy to hear from you.