HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 3rd

Hi Blendfriends!

I'm filling in for our friend MaFe today and of course sending her good vibes and healing feelings.

Thought of the day (not sure who from):

It's better to say oops than what if

Just a reminder to take some chances because you never know what is around the corner. I've said oops many times but always learned something in the end. Many things didn't end in oops though. Don't be scared, take a chance! What is something you'd like to take a chance on but have been scared it could be an oops? For myself, I am not sure but I will think about this all day and get back to you.

This morning it was the second last day of BE and it was one of my favourite upper body workouts with K. I lifted a little bit heavier than usual on most things so I hope I can feel it tomorrow.

Good food? Tonight we have lettuce wraps with an undecided protein source. We will see what happens there.

I wish everyone a wonderful Wednesday!