HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 2nd

“No matter how long, cold and dark Winter is, Spring is always sure to follow.”

It’s Groundhog Day Blenders! In Québec, in the Gaspé region, we have Fred la marmotte to tell us if Spring will come quickly this year or if we’ll be stuck with a long-lasting Winter. But no matter how long your “Winter” lasts, remember that it is always followed by a beautiful “Spring”.

I will be doing day 3 of FB Old-School today, a HIIT and core workout I have never done before. I may also go out for a walk during lunch time, but we’re expecting a lot of snow here today, so I’ll see how sidewalks look then. We’ll be having stuffed shell pasta in a rosee sauce for supper. And what will your Tuesday look like?

I hope our dear Maria is feeling better on this day. Let’s keep sending her strength and love, as she recovers from surgery and needs all the support she can get.

Have the best Tuesday everyone!