Posted in: Nutrition / FB Meal Plan

why cant i loose the weight/ what am i doing wrong

Hello Fitness Blender Family,

I have been doing FB for 4 years now. The last year i have been on a weight loss journey and although i have learned a lot I can not loose the last 10 lbs. I have been doing Hitt and stength training 4x a week with cardio once a week and don't wish to more workouts than that, So i'm guessing it must be my nutrition? I consider myself a pretty healthy eater, So i don't know what i'm doing wrong.It just seems like i will loose 2 or 3 lbs then the next 2 days ill have gained them back. I want a diet that i can see myself doing it long term. Do you guys cut carbs, Or do low sugar diets? Does keto work, Or is it really all about balance. I usually eat oatmeal in the morning, and a salad plus a fruit or nuts for lunch, then dinner is are family meal so a meat, plus veggies, plus potatoes or rice. HELP ME!! its been a year of this weight and all i wan to do is loose the last 5-10 lbs. What has worked for you? What am i doing wrong