HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 19th

Good Tuesday morning blendfriends! It is currently -15°C/5°F where I am, hope it’s warmer where you are. I am thinking of going for a walk at lunchtime today, and I have a FB30 R4 core workout planned for later today.

And I’m hoping for another positive work day. Yesterday, though the day was long, I was in a much happier mood. No doubt getting better sleep helped, but also I wound up showing a neat Excel trick that I found online to the person training me and that just made my day.

What is in store for you today? Whether it includes working out or taking a rest day, cooking at home or getting take out, a work day or a day off, a busy day or a relaxing one, I wish you the greatest day. And let’s all remember that no matter how your day goes:

“In life, challenge is inevitable. Defeat is optional.”