Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Running or FB?

I know the answer for a lot of people is probably a combination of both. However, I have an eating disorder (please don't let this stop you answering - I am at a healthy weight and doctors know I exercise) and running is a big part of it. This means I find it difficult to do a combination of both because my indoor workout days seem 'not good enough', so they end up being my bad days, If I were to only do them, then I feel I could get used to it. My non-ED side enjoys it, but, whenever I do it, my ED takes over. Also, I'm not sure if it is psychosomatic pain, but I also potentially have running-related injuries that start again whenever I start running. My question is, do you have any general advice if you've dealt with either recurring injuries or ED and exercise? Also, if you have switched from running to just home workouts, what have you found to be the changes in your fitness levels?

Sorry for the long post, but thank you so much for reading, and for any responses :)