Calendar Suggestion!

Hey FB Family ♥

I would like to suggest some stuff/additions i think would be helpful to the calendar functionality.

I think it would be really helpful since a lot of us add more than 1 programs to the calendar to have a specific bar assigned for each program Like

Blue - > Sweat

Red - > booty

Green -> Strong

Gray -> independent

So with a fast calendar view we'll know what's up for the day and next days. Also would be awesome if the bar included the corresponding day of each program like say Day10 inside the blue color bar for fb Sweat. Day 12 inside the red bar for Booty ( in my example).

Also i'm one of those ppl who usually never complete a program. I've done first week of Sweat like 10 times lol. I would love if when we remove and reschedule a program, instead of all the workouts we did to turn appearing grey and independent to stay as they were, corresponding to the program i was doing.

Personally i find the calendar highly motivating, and one of the many things that makes FB Unique.

I like printing the page of calendar at the end of each month and count the days i had my workout complete. Compete against my previous month, etc. And take notes/measurements on it.