Perspiration Pals -December 10 🐈

Heya Blender peeps,

How you all doing? It's me, Cookie 🐈😊 Since mom (Toasty) wrote about her day on HKS thread, I thought I'd come say hello to my friends here. So hello Enki, Lillie, ma'am Her Cheekiness, Sir Bubba..hmm am I forgetting someone? 🤔 I ain't good with names, I get that from mom 🙃

Last time it so seems my naughty side was tad highlighted. So, I mean since my fav aunt Ivett be reading this, I wanted to highlight what all I be doing for mom 😎 Mom says if I'm nice, aunt Ivett be getting me Hungarian treats 🤩

While I'm not a morning person, I've been doing the morning shift quite seriously. I mean the pigeons be up early and I gotta stare at them and you know exchange certain @#£& (no not bad words, just stares 😝) Anyways sometimes I see them and wonder if they'd make for a good snack (no no delete this sentence, hope mom doesn't read this part! 😳) I know only Enki shares my passion.

Since we couldn't go for a walk yesterday, I was well behaved (you taking notes, aunt? 🤭) and got into my spacesuit quite calmly. Normally i like to climb onto mom's shoulders 2-3 times. That ways she hugs me and talks to me for a while before putting me in the sack, which I like, of course 🤭 Mom says Enki might be getting a Christmas surprise from her mom (Mel).

So we all got together for a Zoom meeting, you know my friends and I, it was so much fun. I learnt from ma'am Her Cheekiness how she wakes up her mom (Adrienne) early mornings, gotta try this 🤣 Then Sir Bubba be talking of some online trade of treats for new borns. I'm not sure his mom (Lynna) approves of this. My mom would cut my treats and walks me thinks. High risk. 😮 Lillie told me how she manages to get her mom (Deb) to play with her even during her zoom meetings 😎 smart I thought. Now my part: I told them how I park myself between mom and her laptop so she has to pet me before typing 🤭😝 Might try and add a pic, mom keeps clicking my pics all the time 🧐

Some Toasty musings: almost everyday at the window when I'm giving cold stares (okay some words too when mom isn't around) to the pigeons, mom comes over and squishes me and says 'petite' and 'bébé', imagine that in front of all the pigeons. How embarrassing 🧐 Why would mom do that to me?


So the kid seems to have a lot to say to you all. I'm adding her pic as she insists I should.

Do tell about your day, workouts and the usual 😊

P. S. Anyone and everyone is welcome in these threads, please feel free to pop by and say hello! 😊💜