HKS (Healthy, Kind and Support) Accountability Group December 10

hey all,

How is everyone doing this fine Thursday morning/afternoon/evening!

Usually Mafe/Maria reminds me that Thursdays I should be starting the thread, but since she didn't yesterday, I had to be extra careful to not forget ๐Ÿ˜

Here's a quote from a book I had started to read and enjoy but haven't yet finished it (I know, how could I, right? ๐Ÿ™„): โ€œWell, I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies.โ€ โ€• Antoine de Saint-Exupรฉry, The Little Prince

While there can be several interpretations of this lovely quote, I see it as having to endure, persevere and sometimes make oneself comfortable with contexts and situations not most suitable to get to an intended end goal. Or a more contemporary take would be, say you gotta sweat a lot (think HIIT) to enjoy those fries ๐Ÿ˜‹ All this to say it helps to remind ourselves of the bigger picture every once in a while.

Workouts: Day 25 Blend, thankfully was a toned down cardio. Also why I love porgrams, they know exactly what we could handle after a 5/5 I suppose. Anyways that is out of the way for the day now. Just a day more to finish this program second time around!

I feel tad better after bad migraine yesterday, and maybe I'll take fur baby for her walk tour once she's done with her precious nap after jumping around whole morning ๐Ÿ˜†

So tell me about your day, how is it going? And where in your fitness journey are you today?

Our bright and sweet Mafe will start the thread for us tomorrow!

P.S. HKS is an accountability and support thread, so please feel free to join us, and tell us about yourself. We also welcome you if you wanted to just lurk, you know! ๐Ÿ˜Š
