HKS (Healthy, Kind and Support) Accountability Group December 7

Hello Blender friends, and happy Monday! Let's get this week started! Thought for the day:

β€œEat a live frog every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” (Mark Twain)

Let me be clear with you, I am in no way advocating cruelty to animals. This, my friends, is a metaphorical frog. And my "frog" today was this workout :

You can give me pure strength, pure abs, burnout Pilates... even a 5/5 won't phase me, but as soon as you add the "H-word", eeeeek! Mainly, I just don't want to mess up my knees, but even if I had the strongest knees in the world, HIIT just seems downright cruel to me. But, I told myself, as I got out my fork and knife, it's bored easily format, so at least I won't have to repeat anything. Done! But I had to get it done first thing in the morning. So nothing worse can happen to me 😜

What time of day do you work out? What style of workout is your "frog"? Inquiring minds want to know!

As always, I want to remind all blenders that everyone is always welcome to jump in, join in and add a comment or two, we would love to hear from you. And if today is a day for lurking quietly, that's fine. I hope we can give you a smile or two.