Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

New Goal because of a better perspective

After I purchased and completed my first FB Program a few years ago, my goal was to purchase another program and complete that one too, and so on. I did that for quite a while.

During the past 2+ years though, completing a program was near impossible, at first because of physical limitations, but then because I'd quit the program after one or two weeks, pick another, and do the same thing. Seems like I couldn't stay motivated enough to go beyond week 2. A week of one program, individual videos the next, switching programs, on and on for months. And not a single completed program....You can imagine the negative self talk.

Then it dawned on me, just a couple of days ago, that during all that time, every day I STILL KEPT MOVING.

With this perspective I now have a healthier goal: completing a program is great but moving every day is what counts. I make sure to exercise upper and lower body as well as core and include cardio and stretching.

This is working for me now. No more guilt. No more beating myself up or feeling like a failure. I now look forward to my workouts in a whole new way.

A long journey that began with a single slow I'm power walking!!