Darkest day

This morning I had such a hard time getting out of bed early to do a workout. I had an upper body strength workout scheduled (FB Plus Bored Easily Challenge) and I could not work up the energy to go do it.. It is dark when I wake up and it is getting colder.

Dec 21st is nearing on the calendar, our darkest day on the Northern Hemisphere, and I always feel like this, this time of year. So, I decided to remove the challenge, schedule Reach and do that instead. Somehow getting out of bed for a nice stretching workout seems less daunting. If I do Reach as planned, I will finish on dec 25th, when the days will become longer again. I plan on doing Low Impact r2 after this, I dislike doing anything jumpy in the morning during winter.. Do you have seasonal likes/dislikes??

Today I did day 1, but skipped the PFT and added this one instead: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/light-toning-posture-workout-for-stiff-shoulders-back-and-core

And with that, my november is complete.. (there is lots of orange in there this month: PT exercises, walking and I've started bouldering again..
