Perspiration Pals- November 20.

What's up, P Pals? πŸ˜‰

Forgive me, as I will keep todays thread short. As you know, I had fine dining experience yesterdays evening. The food was outstanding. Afterwards, we went for a walk and ended up chilling out at the park under the stars until 3am. πŸ€­πŸ˜‰

Then I had some problems with my shower, and I don't know what time it was when I finaly went to the dream land. πŸ˜πŸ˜…

I only woken up. πŸ˜΄πŸ˜‡ And it is a first day of weekend for me, so I have some stuff to do, like shopping and do some cleaning (read: let cleaning lady in). 😏

And I still need to put a workout somewhere on my schedule. πŸ˜…

Don't be shy, do share everything about your day. What are your plans this weekend? πŸ€—


P.S. We welcome everybody to P Pals. If you wanna share about yourself, learn something or ask a question, you’re in need of support and kind words, wanna laugh a bit, or you just wanna continue your silent treatment- all is good in eyes of P Pals. 😊 πŸ€—