Push-up Group - Week 7: Check in

Hello fellow pushers,

how are you doing this week? How is your training going? What are your main struggles and challenges?

I will admit to struggling a lot right now. Here first my current summary:

November goal: Finish 26 days of the knee push-up challenge

Current state: 10/26 days of challenge

Christmas goal: 10 full push-ups

Current state: just 1 full push-up (but 7 with limited range of motion)

So where do I struggle? I am, admittedly, a bit frustrated by the lack of progress with regards to full push-ups. It makes me question whether or not I'll actually able to get to my goal. Also, the knee push-up challenge is much harder than the wall push-up challenge I did last month. While I started to struggle towards the end of the month last month, I am already struggling completing the the daily challenges, especially the knee push-up holds are hard and I barely make the suggested time.

So my question to you: where do you struggle the most in going after your Christmas goal and what do you do about it?