HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountability Group November 7

Hello beautiful HKS Blenders,

Thought of the day:

We can’t always choose the music life plays for us, but we can choose how we dance to it.

Today is a very quiet day. So, I thought I tell a sad story with a happy ending. I might have mentioned this story before. So, sorry if you read it again. I have to admit that we call our current cat, Sinaia, mainly Katze (German word for cat). It is very impersonalized. Believe me, we love her, and she is an important part of the family, but everybody is afraid to get to close to her. We had three cats before Sinaia, but they all died in car accidents in a very short period of time. It was a very tough experience particularly for the kids. And when Sinaia disappeared for a couple of days, too, we thought we lost her as well. But she came back. Until now, I am wondering how she managed to do so, because she was hit by a car, too, and severely injured. She broke her entire hip. We had to keep her for six weeks in a cage. It was a terrible time to see the poor thing suffer and the kids, too. But she made it. She completely recovered, so she can hunt and jump up walls again and the best thing is she is still around.

Ok, such a heavy story, what are your plans for today? I will do an UB strength training and a little bit of HIIT.

Todays main meal will be the Mediterranean Veggi-Stuffed Pitas. Hope you have good food planned for today.

Picture above is Sinaia, sitting in my herb box. I have no idea why. (I posted that picture somewhere before. So, sorry if you have seen it already.)

Wishing you all a great Saturday.

P.S ANYONE is welcome to join the conversation in this thread. Don’t be shy or afraid. Just jump right in. We don’t bite. This is an extremely friendly and motivational community. So, we are happy to hear from you.