Little NSV today :)

So this month I'm doing my own choice of workouts rather than a program, as I've just finished Fit R2 and felt like I wanted to pick my own workouts for a bit before jumping into a new program or challenge! (No idea which one to try next by the way!)

I've been trying to do a few workout videos here that I've never done before, and today did this one:

Once it started I realised I'd tried this one before some time ago but gave up on it early, probably because of the single leg push ups 😂

But today I got through it, with a couple of modifications here and there!

I liked the tipped rotations at the end, although I did fall over once! I feel so much stronger than I have in a long time, even if my balance clearly still isn't great 😂

Really enjoyed my workout today! Thanks Daniel for this one!