HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountability Group October 8

Hello everyone,

Thought of the day: Thinking about the things I’m grateful for can help to see problems as less prominent and to appreciate the good things even more.

This thought has no specific context, I just thought of it today. 😅 I am grateful for two close friends I could spend my lunchbreak with, kinda something special these days.

Thank you again for your kind words yesterday. I’m glad to say I got a major chapter done this morning and am more confident now. I also got my workout in, day 2 of LI Round 2, it was a good upper body session with Kelli. Less fun is my period that I got today as well. But well, the cramps aren’t so bad right now.

How is/was your day? Are you working out today or resting? Any food plans? We will have a salad with some halloumi tonight, yum! As always, everyone is invited to comment here. 😊