Perspiration Pals -September 15

Heya P Pals,

How's it going? Me thinks this Tuesday's after me 🧐 Guess it's one of those days, loads of work (especially because I wasn't well and it's all piled up now 😮😮)!

So, the meme, for all those days, when 😶

I'm continuing my break. While my mind doesn't like the break, my body seems happy 🤔🤦🏻‍♀️ What's up at your end? What workouts, if on break, what's planned for the day (oh it's just work pour moi 🤯), anything exciting in food? (Imma have hot chocolate later 😁 well I'll be grumpy in the evening with all the work!)

P. S. Anyone and everyone is welcome in these threads, feel free to pop by and say hello 😊

Extra gif (woohoo, upgrade!) in comments for those Blenders who would rather have a cat life 😎🤭
