PFT results

The past 2 and a half months I did FB30 r4, Lea's Blue Ribbon Challenge, self planned workouts, and I've started bouldering twice a week. I am starting my new routine this week:

monday: long walk, tuesday: bouldering: wed-fri: FB Bored Easily, saturday: restday, sunday: bouldering.

I had my PFT planned for today. I woke up early and decided to go ahead and get it done, so I was outside, running my mile at 7.30. I was a bit slower then last time, but I had to keep hoisting up my pants: do not put your phone in your pantspocket, because your pants will keep falling down when you run... Lesson learned ;)

I added extra weight to my squats and had to stop because my arms were getting tired, same with planking: my shoulders were giving out. Another lesson: PFT after bouldering day is a bit more difficult :)

PFT results:

june 28th:

1 mile run (1.7 km = 1.06 mile) 10.36 minuten (6:16 min/km)

push ups: 1.5 full, 8 halve

squats: 34/ 6 kg per hand (13.2 lbs per hand)

static plank: 35 seconden full plank

sit & reach: -8.5 cm


1 mile run: 1.7 km in 10.46 minuten (6:21 min/km)

pushups: 2 full, 13 half

squats: 30/ 7 kg per hand (15.4 lbs per hand)

static plank: 57 seconds full plank, shoulders giving out

sit&reach: -8.5 cm

I finish my plan on nov 6th, 6 days before my 40th birthday. I hope to plank at least a full minute by then and do 5 full push ups. I am happy with my runtime and my squats, though next time I want to go till my legs are tired, not my arms :)

The pics are the same time span as the PFT. Have not lost any weight in those 2 months, but that does not bother me anymore, because I am seeing results..

Of for my walk now, the sun is shining, it is a good day. Hope you all have a great one!
