Message on moderation!

Hi everyone,

I've been a fitness junkie for many years, and I wanted to share my experience with you, hoping that maybe someone in my same situation will read this and avoid making the same mistake I made.

I used to be an overweight child, then discovered fitness blender in my mid-teens and slowly came to love working out.

However, my relationship with food and workouts gradually became unhealthy, I developed an eating disorder, bigorexia, and I got to the point where if I didn't workout at least an hour a day, HARD, I would panic. I'd feel worthless and think that I'd lose all my progress and just hated myself.

I knew Kelli had gone through something similar and I knew they keep telling you to workout in moderation, but I just LOVED it and HAD to workout. If I was still for too long, my mind and body would go crazy.

Well, long story short, I'm almost 22 and have a lumbar disc protrusion (which is basically a bit less than a hernia) which causes me chronic leg pain and will probably follow me for the rest of my life.

I'm not even 1/4 through my life and I've already messed up my back, probably forever, and I won't be able to do lots of exercises I loved doing.

So, please, PLEASE don't overdo. Check your form, ALWAYS. Maybe ask someone if they can oversee when you begin so you get it right, because I did it all on my own and had awful form for months, which didn't help.

And if you are like I was, know that it's not true. Working out more won't give you better results. When I started working out less I actually began to improve.

Love yourself, take it easy, know that your fitness level doesn't define you.

BE CAREFUL FB FAMILY. Don't mess up your own body.