Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

It Is Okay To Eat Chocolate Chip Cookies :)

Hi everyone, just wanted to share what's been on my mind this evening. I am really enjoying Fitness Blender and trying to eat more healthily : half my plate is veggies at most meals, reducing portions of other things, eating healthy snacks like fruit and almonds. I also drink pretty much only tea and water (that's not new). I enjoy baking and like to learn healthier baking modifications, like earlier this week I made a wholegrain Irish brown bread that is chock full of stuff like whole wheat flour, bran, etc. You get the idea.

But I also have a history with an eating disorder and don't want to fall down that road again. I've been craving chocolate chip cookies for a couple of days and finally decided to just MAKE THEM. They're in the oven right now, and I'm freezing the rest of the dough so it's easy to just make a couple at a time. :) I'm really looking forward to a warm cookie from the oven and I hope you have some fun indulgences to look forward to this weekend too, whether it's a warm cookie, a fun walk in the woods with your dog, a favorite TV program, or time with your loved ones.