Really bothered ๐Ÿ˜• by a comment

Hey fbf. So Iโ€™m really bothered that someone told me the other day that me doing 10 min workouts a day wouldnโ€™t be beneficial to me to end in the end because I needed to do much more than what Iโ€™m doing in order to be healthy and get whatever results Iโ€™m trying to get. My thing is even doing short workouts 10 mins a day are far better than doing nothing at all and that at least I showed up for myself to get my body moving. Also I know that healthy and happy looks different on different people because we are all different sizes and shapes and not everyone per se is going to have a flat stomach or 6 pack abs etc but as long your moving I say thatโ€™s an accomplishment. It just bothered me that someone was pretty much telling me that my workouts are useless ๐Ÿ™„