Random Core Day

Hey there Blender People!

Today I decided I would do a random core routine and it was a lot harder than I thought. This was the routine: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/fitness-blender-15-minute-abs-workout-at-home-core-training-without-equipment. There were some exercises in this one that I haven't done before and I always love when I do a workout routine and there are new exercises I have never seen. It is a good thing I kind of catch on fast so doing the moves aren't that difficult.

What's funny about this core routine is that it is in my favorites but I have never done it before. At least I don't think I have. I recommend this to anyone looking for a short and throrough core routine. I say that because I really enjoy core routines that not only work the front of the core and the obliques but the lower back as well. So many core routines out there don't work the lower back and honestly I'm glad I learned doing routines like that were a bad thing because I learned the hard way what it is like to not work your lower back along with everything else. So keep that in mind when you all go do core workouts. Just a little advice there.

I also say it was difficult because for some reason I kept feeling the moves in not just my core but my neck too. This never happened before in all honesty. It's like the more I did core routines the worse my form got. I think it's because I haven't been working my core as much as I should and it probably lost some strength so the rest of my body (my neck) is compensating for it. That is something I am working on so hopefully in maybe a few months time my core is stronger and my form has improved. Also any other advice would appreciated at well.

Have a Blessed day you guys! 😊