Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

A step towards mindfulness 😇


I hope you guys aren't tired of my posts :3 no? Yes? OK

I'm 2 weeks into FB Fit 2, relishing every drop of sweat dripping down during the workouts. I'm trying to eat fairly well. *No junk, no processed foods, no alcohol, no smoking*

Came across a great marketing tactic by a leading fried chicken fast food company (you know by now 😅) that is the 1+1 offer! Get 2 fried chicken burgers at the price for 1 etc.

Now, old Mahima would have jumped with joy and ordered it right away. But the new Mahima thought to herself " First off, even with the offer, it is still expensive. Secondly if I eat it, I'll enjoy it for 10 minutes and then experience bloating and lethargy for the next 2 days. Also, I am working out hard to get fit. Why would I possibly do anything to negate my hardwork? It is not nutritious. Don't eat it."

I feel so good that such a thought even came to mind and I stood my ground 😊 definitely treading the path of well being and awareness..

Although I must admit, I do think of eating some sweet every now and then... It's a little tough there because I love pastries. But I will try 💪

We live our lives in haste, always trying to make up for things without prior thought and judgement.. A simple exercise of practicing mindfulness goes a long way in helping us take better informed decisions, be it in the field of health, career, relationship etc.. It is only with mindfulness that we could avoid causing hurt to others because eventually we do regret it (between up and down, there's center, that is mindfulness). I've also begun to be aware of my breathing pattern while working out - breathing through the nose is so important.. again, mindfulness!

Fitness blender has been my bestfriend and I accredit it for the little success I've achieved..

Annexing a photo of me drenched in sweat today morning. Courtesy FB Fit 2 Day 11 💪


