The new core workout is GREAT! :D

I was so much looking forward to try Daniel's new 10 minutes core workout, but last week was completely dedicated to regeneration for me. I was struggeling with a little anoying pain in my shoulder for two weeks, so I decided to give my body a well deserved week of rest.

Well, now I feel fine again and I really enjoyed getting back into working out today. I did a very cool, swetty lower body training and afterwards I finally started the new core workout. What can I say? I directly added it to my fave list! Just ten minutes, but it targets all big core muscles at least twice and to a degree that really makes the muscles scream at you. :D I tried to do all exercises with 10 lbs, just to get a feeling for the challenge. Turned out this was actually a bit too much for the alternating back bows, so I dropped my weight half way through that exercise. For some other exercises I might take a little more weight next time.

And I'm sure next time is not far away! This workout is 100% my cup of tea and it's definitely going to be a part of my regular core rotation from now on. If you haven't done it yet, make sure to give it a try! Without extra-weight it should be pretty acceccible for beginners and with added weight it's definitely challenging for all fitness levels!
