Proud mama!

I just wanted to share what a good day I had today. I have four kids, the youngest of whom is four. The older kids are teens. So I’m working from home and taking care of everyone while my husband goes to work each day, but I’m still managing to exercise 60 minutes a day. Here’s how I do it: I do 30 minutes after I get done with work while my kids get their screen-time. The other 30 minutes is obtained during my lunch break, while I go outside with my son and run around with him. I wear my fitbit and monitor my heart rate. Once he wanted to sit down to play something, and I saw my heart rate drop, and I started running laps around the yard. He asked me what I was doing and I said I was a fairy making laps to encircle him in a magic shield. Then he got up and started running with me! Most of the time we play ninjas or some other sort of thing that has us running around the yard. Today we were superheroes, walking around the neighborhood finding and kicking imaginary bad guys. Most of the time we go out even in bad weather. I just bundle both of us up! Sometimes I cut it short and he and I do kids exercise videos together. It just makes me proud of myself that both he and I get such a good workout that way.

The older kids are not so easy to motivate, so I’m savoring my time with my son while he still likes exercising with me!