April complete! + May goals

My planned Flex workout had cardio in it and my body did not like that today.. but I could do the strength workout of tomorrows Booty, so I swapped days. And with that, I have completed another month of workouts. I am almost done with my Flex and Booty combo (finish on the 8th). May is filled with workouts I have not done before, I made my own plan: lower body cardio/ long walk on mondag

Upper body strength on tuesday

Lower body strength on wednesday

Core on thursday

Total body hiit/cardio on friday

I might add stretching in the weekend.

My goal for may is to be able to wear my goalpants comfortably. Food wise: continue and improve intuitive/mindful eating. Workouts: lift heavier.

How was your april? Do you have plans or goals for may?
