For the first time in my life...I can't miss a workout because I actually want to.

Fitness has been an on-again, off-again part of my life with varying levels of success. I've had days where I loved it days when I hated it. When I first started it was drudgery and hated almost every day (other than the occasional "feel-good" I got after I was done). Almost always, for years, it took a very high level of discipline and grit to keep to it.

I've done fitness blender and cycling for 2-3 years now, quite consistently. Something just switched in my brain starting about three months ago.

I actually really WANT to do this. I look forward to the workouts, not just the feeling after. I'm thinking about the next workout when I go down for bed. I workout over the weekends because I just actually want to.

Keep going. It gets better. In fact, it gets great.