Question about maintaining weight and light activity

Hello there, so I've been working out religiously for about... 2 years? Something like that, I also saw a nutritionist to help me reach my goal in a healthy way. I'm finally in my "goal" weight, I still have stubborn fat but I'm guessing that's hard to tone since I don't do heavy lifting (not that I don't want to I just don't have the equipment for it).

Anyway, I usually work out for about 1h, I like FB Fit 1 and 2, but I'm afraid of two things: one is that if I keep going like I'm doing I will lose more weight (which I don't want to) and two if I change my diet I will gain weight again instead of maintaining it...

So my question is, if I keep my diet (well its not a diet but a healthy way of eating and with the guide that my nutritionist gave me) as it is, but I start to do shorter workouts, will I be able to maintain? For reference, I work from home, I'm mostly on the computer all the time, and I don't walk enough (this is not an option to where I live so I do about... 2000 steps a day, sometimes more but that's my average which I know is low), so I don't know if It's a good idea to decrease the amount of workout I do...

Please help and thanks!