I feel so proud of myself

I've been working out with Fitness Blender for a few years now. I've grown to love exercise - I actually look forward to my workouts every day!

My problem has always been my eating though. I have always had a bad relationship with food, in particular binge eating. I got to the point of being about 30-40 pounds overweight at only 5'1 and 21 years old.

I've been working on my eating habits for a while and I think I'm finally getting there. Since the New Year I have lost 6 pounds, but more importantly I feel so much better about myself. I took some 'before' photos which I hope I will be able to post soon when I reach my birthday (which was my first goal) along with some 'after' photos. I have much more energy, I am way more flexible and I have learnt to love myself.

I eat mindfully (I think that's the best way to describe it). I'm aware of what I'm eating, as well as my portion sizes. BUT (and this is a big but), I still have been having treats along the way! I honestly don't feel as though I'm on a 'diet' for the first time in my life and it feels great.

I just wanted to share this with the amazing community on here and thank FB and the team. I check this forum every day and it gives me the motivation I need whilst letting me know that it's OK to not be perfect. I am so grateful to have FB in my life and hopefully I can share some other results soon :)