Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Kelli what have you done to me!

So I took your advise and changed up my usual workout. I usually do Lower warm up, 15-20minute HIIT workout followed by 20-30 minutes strength training for Lower body. I have done this for years but read your post about mixing it up and my goodness are my legs on fire...in a good way...I had to sit down in the shower after this workout after work today:

Intense Fat Burning Cardio Intervals and Butt and Thigh Workout

It's different because there are Cardio heavily focussed on lower body between strength sets rather than my usual before stength training.

Ouccccchhhh! It was a good one though so I thank you and will mix up my workouts more often...after my legs recover of course haha

Thanks Kelli and daniel