Family exercise update

Hello all,

I post on here every once in a while about trying to get my family, including husband, girls aged 16, 13, and 11, and son age 4 to exercise. I thought you all might like an update! My 16 year old is still doing yoga once a week at a studio near our house. I’m super happy about that. It’s a new business and they are really happy to have our family there. The owner/instructor really likes my daughter and gives her some much-needed positive attention. My daughter even created some fan art in her art class! She and I are still doing yoga with Adrienne videos at home a few times a week, but it’s becoming more like I have to nag her to do it with me. I hope it remains something fun and not something I’m just making her do. I really enjoy doing this with her since it’s quality time with her and it’s very hard to get along with her right now. My 13 year old is another story. She quit taekwondo and says she doesn’t like to move and tries to move the least amount possible. I tried making walking the dog a chore, but she’s not a dog person so doesn’t like it. Occasionally I’ll say that she has to get out of the house and she walks to the store and buys a lot of junk food. The good thing is that she’s taken up cooking and baking as a hobby. I say I’ll buy her ingredients as long as they come from healthy cook books. So I’m happy that she has a good hobby and she gets a lot of attention from it, however I worry about her continuing to be a couch potato. My 11 year old goes to the same yoga studio as my 16 year old and also loves it. She learned to do a head stand! But she refuses to do yoga videos at home and we can’t afford yoga more than once a week at an expensive studio.

So in short, we had some successes but also some set backs. I’ve decided to let it go and not force exercise, based on some feedback I got here. Luckily our whole family likes biking, so we should be able to get back into that when the weather warms!