FB Blend Day 12 Check In

Today's check in challenge was to post our post workout meal. I haven't made it yet because I'm here typing this, haha, but I've attached a picture of what I usually eat from a previous time I made it!

I have two go-to meals that I thoroughly enjoy and believe are healthy. The first is a Mediterranean salad that was inspired by a salad I had at noodles&company before. I just toss in 50/50 spring/spinach mix, lettuce if I have some, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, diced cucumber, kalamata olives, and salsa ranch yoghurt dressing. If I feel like I need extra carbs, I throw in some cooked pasta in there.

Alternatively, I put all the ingredients inside two slices of whole grain wheat bread, toast the two sides, and yum!!! Lately, I've also been adding a little garden veggie cream cheese to one side and it takes the flavor to a whole 'nother level. I feel like I'm eating at a restaurant! Yum yum yum!!! My mouth is watering as I'm typing this. I better start making my meal, fast! Haha.


Thank you for your kind responces to my previous check in regarding appetite and my cat. One of the test resulted as negative, so I'm thankful for that. I'm back in my groove, exercising while giving it my all, and regaining an appetite :)

Today, my cool down buddy was my other cat. It's her meal time, so she decided to plop herself right in the center of the mat while I was finishing. Definitely had to maneuver around her!