First workout program to ever complete

I'm typing here freshly sweaty and excited from.... my last day of FB Abs! I used laundry as an excuse to procrastinate today, but I finally did it! I've tried a couple (non FB) programs in the past and have never made it to the end. Some were just too repetitive and I could not stand the program past the second week. While others.. idk! I just never finished! There was a 90 program once and I did the program until the 89th day and just... never did the last day.

So, this may not be considered a huge milestone, but it's a big mental milestone for me. Like, I actually pushed myself to finish it! Sometimes I have a mental block from finishing things like this, but I was able to finish this one easily. I think having the calendar keep me accountable was a huge bonus in keeping me motivated. It felt like sort of a reward response to see the "day complete" checkmark on my calendar.

I did have to pospone a couple days. One time because I had a bad fever and another day because I was just not feeling well at all and I knew I would not be able to put in any effort into the workout compared to pushing it over just a day.

The results of this program was interesting. I started off with lot of chub around my stomach, so I knew I wasn't going to have that much of visible results. Interestingly enough, I kinda did. Did I see a six pack? Absolutely not. But I did see parts of my stomach curve in a subtle amount. Nothing you can see under a shirt, but still! And I feel so much stronger in the workouts. Not only in my abs, but in my... shoulder?? A noticeable difference was when doing the cobra, I was able to move my shoulders much farther down from my ears than before the program. I used to think there's no way my shoulder can go lower because that's how my body is built... but turns out I can?? It was actually something I could change?? Who knew! Haha.

Weight wise, the first two weeks, I was increasing in weight. I didn't let it get to me, though. Thankfully from previous patterns, I've learned that my body puts on weight for a couple weeks before starting to lose it. The third week, my weight pretty much stayed the same towards the higher end. And then the fourth week was when it finally started to go down.

Food wise, I'm very sensitive and mindful towards food, so I generally continued my healthy(ish) diet, listening to my body. Occasionally treating myself to a small cup of ice cream or chocolate ;) I feel like working out in tandem with a good diet, made my body feel the effects of my diet more. For the few days I had a fever, I ate more easily digestible carbs and starch (like rice and potatoes) and not as many veggies. After recovering, I was able to feel the drastic change in mood and grogginess from the poor diet. Never craved more veggies in my life lol.

Anyway, I kinda wanted to also explain the summary of my experience, so that's why there's a lot of excess information, haha.

Thank you for taking the time to read! I'm very excited about today and I've just been bragging to my friends that I've completed a four week workout program! xD And that now I can do planks for longer ;)

What an exciting way to end the year!

Workout Complete :)
