2 colds in 1 month

Hi all,

I am normally very healthy and havnt been sick for 2 years but the past month I have got hit with 2 colds (second one now) I'm wondering if its because of over training even though I only workout 5 times a week I am very active inbetween this, I walk pretty much everywhere Mon - Fri and still hit 10,000 steps most Saturdays. Ive also been very hungry eveb though I eat around 2100-2200 calories a day. I am 5ft 7 and weigh 130lbs.

Would it be wise to take a whole week off? Im a bit weary as its christmas so will be lots of food but I do feel run down and maybe didn't fully recover from my last cold. I don't want to gain any fat and I wobt be walking around as much as I will be off work.

What are your thoughts and should i ne cutting calories to avoid fat gain?

Thanks as always!