Trying to find that new norm

Hi! I have never posted on here, but feel I need to reach out for support. I was recently diagnosed with undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD) with the possibility of overlap syndrome (lupus, scleroderma and rheumatoid). I am in that hurry up and wait stage as we wait to see how things progress. It's been quite a whirl wind as I knew something was wrong, a lot of aches and pains, random injuries out of no where and a lot of fatigue, but I truly believed it was all in my head and was taken by surprise. I am on a medication to suppress my immune system and calm things down, had a shot of steroid that made me feel a lot better and thought I was in the clear til it wore off and things returned. I have adjusted a lot of workouts, went from 4-5 to beginner workouts, a lot more pilates and yoga type style. Some days I feel great and like I can run a marathon and some days I feel like I can hardly move so this has all been a huge adjustment for me. Learning to listen to my body and not push through like I once would have because now I face more dire consequences. Besides the physical adjustments has been the mental part of changing, I HATE change haha. I have been finding myself in a slump and some days, more days than I like to admit, find myself stress and emotional eating and bingeing which in turn ends up making me feel much worse, bloated and just plain yuck. Reaching out to the fb community for words of wisdom, how do you deal when things change and the norm you once knew is no longer and you need to find that new norm? Thank you all in advance!

Sorry to rant on so long! haha