First burpees in 5 months

5 months post foot surgery and almost 2 months of physical therapy and learning how to use my new foot and I did my first HIIT workout!!! I did burpees and jump squats and I didn’t have to do low impact modifications for most of the exercises!! It felt amazing to be back!

I chose a 30 minute bored easily workout ( ) so I wouldn’t have the mental battle of repeat exercises holding me back. It was hard and my big toe still can’t fully bend backwards to support me during burpees and lunges but I couldn’t even attempt those a month or two ago. I’m so proud of myself and just wanted to share the good news!

Thank you Kelli for being so open about your return to working out. You’re situation is so much more difficult than mine and you’ve handle it with such grace for your body. It has helped me to embrace every milestone and to be kind to my body during a difficult journey.