Feeling Fit... and Smart!

So in addition to trying to stay physically fit and strong as I age, I am also tackling financial fitness... and that leads to this post which is actually a thank you to the amazing FB concept and to Kelli and Daniel.

So a good friend recently posted a well-deserved brag for completing a long workout on her Peloton spin cycle this week. Exercising is always good. But it did make me curious - how much do those heavily marketed Pelotons cost anyway?

Which led me to a blog post that revealed: $1,995 for the Peloton, $250 for shipping, $39/month for online subscription to live and on-demand workouts, $100 for accessories and another $100 for spin cycle shoes. Wow!

And so I say thanks so much to FB for keeping both my body and my finances as fit as possible. I love how FB drills down to the necessities - a little time and space, a computer and some weights is all we really need to be healthy. Simplicity is always the most elegant solution.