Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Unexpected soreness!!! Recovery Cardio Workout

Have you ever done a workout you *thought* was gonna be easy, and it ended up kicking your butt? I had one of those days last week... I usually do a lot of strength and HIIT throughout the week so I thought I'd give myself a nice recovery cardio workout. Got through the workout great, worked up a sweat and felt so refreshed afterward! Maybe I just hadn't worked my muscles that way in a while, but geez... when I woke up the next morning I was so sore!

It's always humbling to try different types of workouts and see how you feel the next day. I am encouraged to mix up my training types now and add in some more yoga and pilates to my routine. I always thought those types of workouts were "easy" and so I gravitated away from them over time when I started lifting more frequently, but now I am seeing how important it is to keep your workouts varied because they are ALL important and effective to be balanced in your fitness. That's why I love FB!

This is the workout that kicked my butt: