The Scale is a Liar!

Y’all. The scale is a liar.

I’m 5’6”. According to the scale/BMI, I’m officially overweight. In the past this would have crushed me. Heck. I still really struggle with that. It just sucks to see “overweight” when you enter your stats into those BMI calculators. But they are garbage.

While I would LOVE for it to tell me that I’m NOT overweight, I also have to accept that it lies! I can do level 5 HIIT and Strength workouts. I can run an 8 minute mile. I have a resting heart rate of 45 (athletic) and my blood pressure and blood sugar are perfect. I lift heavy and work hard. I workout 5+ days most weeks and I love it. I’m a size 8 and a size medium and you know what! THAT’S OKAY!

I’m more than my weight and more than my size. And SO ARE YOU.

I’m strong and healthy and I feel GOOD. I kind of want to break up with my scales and throw them away. 😝 If you are strong and healthy and feel good, don’t let the scales make or break your mood with its lies. ❤️