Halloween Workout - Or Not?

My neighbor asked me to go fetch some of her food-things in the basement. Well, I went upstairs with none... πŸ™„ Why you ask?

Because it's an ancient basement with hidden secrets. 😲

The rat running over my foot was just a warmup. 😡 But after I ran into a 100-years old spiders web, I believe I did a month's worth of cardio.😫

You know those people who say β€žout of sight, out of mindβ€œ stuff? Well, trust me – they never had a spider and rat disappear in the same room they are, the room with only one enter/exit... πŸ€ͺ

P.S. Curiosity wise - my plan was this: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/burpee-madness-fast-fat-burning-workout-cardio-and-total-body-toning