I didn’t listen to my body.... and then I HAD to!!!!

Right hand pic shows a virtually empty October calendar, very unusual for me (as some of you know from my “active” posts).... Well, basically I didn’t listen to my body and then ended up totally having to give up any activity I had planned or hoped to do!!

The left hand picture shows the sawn off branch I fell onto backwards after losing my balance as the ivy I was pulling suddenly gave way. It hurt!!! (The branch hit the area of my back where the shoulder blade and ribs meet). But I always think: keep moving or you will stiffen up. So I did... I lopped some more, pulled big bushes to a rubbish pile and bent and lifted etc. That evening I did an 8k run with friends. It hurt but was bearable. Thursday several hours of cleaning. Friday morning a run with a friend, a short swim with another friend and then in the evening an 8k run through the woods in the dark with a group of friends. I really enjoyed that but by the end of that run I was running with my arm behind my back holding it because of the discomfort! The next day I was in AGONY.... non stop sharp pangs of pain in that area of my upper back. I was really worried at that point. My husband dislodged two ribs several years ago. He recognised what I described and said: nothing to be done. It’s got to heal by itself, as the doc had told him at that time! The pain is actually a sign that the body is trying to heal itself.

Long story short: Agony, not sleeping much (on the floor, in a chair...), cancelled all my nature conservation work, no swims, no workouts and no runs..... Now ten days later: I managed some walks without holding on to my back, I managed 3 minutes in a stormy sea last Friday but went out because it hurt too much and then a 10 min paddle in the sea last night (in the dark: Full Moon Swim!). I am supposed to do an Obstacle Run this Saturday... I really want to do it, but my head and my body are saying NO!... so I won’t!

I presume my calendar will remain pretty empty for the rest of this month, but the other day I decided I was not going to worry about not working out, maybe losing strength and maybe gaining weight.... my body is putting all its energy into healing itself and doing an AMAZING job!!! And I will be back!

Sorry bit of a long story, but I thought I would post just to remind myself (and you all) of the importance of what K and D always say: LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!
