Fitness double-standards - rant

Sometimes I feel that there is a double-standard about body positivity, about wanting to advance your fitness levels when you are already fit. You can be fit and still want to meet certain goals in a healthy way, but lately it feels like everytime I express those goals to my friends and family they always say "You should learn to love yourself the way you are", or "You don't need to do anything, you already look so toned!". But that doesn't mean that my goals are meaningless. It's not that I have an unrealistic "ideal", or that I somehow don't love my body the way it is, it's just that I want to tweak certain things to get to *my* body's optimum performance level. And that's a lifelong journey.

I'm sick of feeling diminished everytime I express wanting to improve upon my fitness. I get that for a lot of people that's triggering because they may have/had an ED and seeking improvement can be a slippery slope, but doesn't body positivity go both ways here? Why is it that an overweight person wanting to get fit is good, but an already fit person wanting to get fitter is "extreme"? I totally understand that for some it can be a warning sign of unhealthy habits, but if one is approaching it in a healthy way, we should support them.

Rant over. Everyone probably has different opinions on this.
