PFT - It's Good to See Some Results

Since I defeated the little alien in my arm – those of you who think I’m mad are probably right but it’s a reference to an earlier post – I’ve decided to do Bodyweight Round 1 again because even though my lower arm is fine my elbow is not. It’s not always painful but it easily flares up, which, to be honest, is beginning to get to me now. However, I don’t want to complain because it doesn’t change anything and also because despite the fact that I haven’t really lifted weights for months now I seem to be getting stronger.

I did the PFT some days ago and although I have mislaid my previous results I vaguely remember them and these latest results are definitely better. I didn’t do the running part because I still don’t have good running shoes but I did all the rest of the test. Last time (about 1 and a half months ago) I could only do 5 or 6 full push-ups now I did 7, previously I did 12 half push-ups now 18. I know these results are lame but push-ups seem to be the bane of my fitness life and considering the fact that earlier I couldn’t even do 3 full push-ups (by ‘full’ I mean ‘let’s say they are full but only because my breasts aren’t big enough so I can’t touch the floor with them’) it’s not too bad.

Last time I did 137 squats with two 5-kilo dumbbells, now it was 150. Plankwise the previous result was a bit better because now I could only hold it for 2:38 compared to 2:45 last time. I wanted to hold it for 3 minutes but my arms were rather tired after the squats, which sounds interesting but considering the fact that I managed to hurt my lower arm doing oblique exercises, it’s so me.

But finally, and this is the most surprising and best result, I’m definitely a bit more flexible than I was. I have to add that I was as flexible as a concrete wall. Last time my sit&reach was a negative number (-0.5 cm, if I remember well) but now it was actually over 2 cm! Again it sounds lame but compared to my abysmal previous results it’s great or at least getting better. I’ve also noticed that when I do toe touch crunches I can hold my legs up straighter and for a longer time and I can actually reach my instep whereas earlier I could only touch my ankles. The changes are subtle but they are there.

I’ve done Bodyweight 2 three times in the past couple of months and I’m doing Round 1 for the second time now. I’m not saying I wouldn’t like to do something different for a change but based on the results, I’m making progress. My results aren’t too visible but since I hate taking pictures of myself there’s no definite proof. Still, all in all I’m a lot fitter than I was 3 years ago when I decided to stick to Fitness Blender after years of searching for the right virtual ‘personal’ trainer.