Thank You Daniel and Kelli!

I have long struggled with body image, and am slowly but surely learning to focus on and thank the Lord for what my body can do, rather than what it looks like. And I'm realizing too, that the stronger I feel, the more confident I am feeling in my own skin. I was so excited though to realize how much stronger I have become when I was feeling really off and lethargic, and not at all excited about my Fitness Blender workout. However, I decided to try anyways, planning to give myself grace for listening to my body and quitting my scheduled workout if I needed to. I was shocked! Certainly, my pace was slower than typical, but I couldn't believe I was able to finish a 4/5 workout on one of my "weaker" days. I am so excited about this milestone-- to see how I am stronger, even on my weakest of days. Thank you so much, Daniel and Kelli, for being a part of my journey as I am, with God's grace, working through my disordered eating and negative self-talk and becoming stronger, healthier, and more confident. I am so grateful for all of the hard work you guys put into helping all of us Fitness Blender-ers!
