Vegetarian/Vegan Recipe Ideas for More Varied Protein?

Hello! I am having trouble lately with my protein intake. I eat eggs, but am otherwise animal free (no dairy, meat or honey). I have noticed that my diet is very carb and fat heavy and I have minimal protein intake (according to Cronometer). I am mostly interested in bumping up my protein because I've read that it can help with nausea during workouts.

My main protein staples tend to be seitan (which I make at home)

and eggs. On occasion I'll have beans, lentils, tofu and soy.

Mainly though I eat a lot of nut butters and cream substitutes, grains like oatmeal, brown rice, veggies and fruit. I am wondering if anyone's got tips, or certain recipes/bloggers they can recommend for higher plant-based protein. Favorite protein powders would be cool too, I just haven't really found one that isn't chalky, stevia-tasting, or gooey from flax add in. I'm also curious how many times a week some of you are changing your protein sources? I tend to make one or two main recipes for the week and riff off that until I go grocery shopping again.

Sorry if this is hard to read, I'm having trouble writing cohesively.. Any tips would be appreciated!