This is Sparta!

Ok, I was due to start my Booty1 with Flex a week ago, but I just kept rescheduling it. I did it again today. But I REALLY need to get back into the routine to reach my goal, which is finishing 3 Programs, and I’ve already done Burn and Strong (with Reach).

Definition of a really good workout is that you HATE doing it, but LOVE finishing it. So, to make myself feel that rush, I scheduled THE workout. And this is story of how about my gut got twisted upside down… 🙄

Firstly, I went through my regular stages of getting ready for cardio/HIIT: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance with pressing Play Button. I already knew I’m going to hate it. During the workout, I hate it even more with every fiber of my body, but couldn’t resist trying to keep up with Daniel.

I did this one:

Me after Workout Complete: THIS IS SPARTA!!!! I am undefeatable! For Ares, HIMSELF has blessed me! I am a WARRIOR! Fire runs through my blood! My bones are crafted from steel! Tremble, mortals – for I shall LIVE FOREVER!

But my cooldown was gasping for air while in a fetal position. And now that I’m reflecting on this workout – drinking a beer through my nostrils would have been easier... 😅
