before and during

Hi FB family!

I was not sure about posting this picture, but my husband said that it can inspire others, we go.

I did not exercise before discovering FB – I hated P.E at high school, my only physical activity was walking to bus station. When I was a child I loved dancing – I did ballet, gymnastics, but then car accident happened and for long years I was forced to stop exercise, stop do ballet for good. I came to hate exercise in generall.

But then two best things came into my life – first was my husband, second was this video with Kelli : . I do not know, what I saw in her, what persuaded me to workout with her and later with Daniel. Maybe it was her inner strength, positivismus, nice and kind personality and supportive attitude. Long story short : I am with FB for more than two years now.

I was always very thin, almost emaciated. (It is unbelievable, that there was time, when I considered myself to be „fat“) FB has taught me, that there is nothing wrong to be strong. (Maybe one day I will look also strong, not only feel strong). FB taught me to love exercise and my little biceps. 💪

Have a nice day all!